Hungarian Names :

Baby Name Finder

  Name Gender Description Origin Votes Vote for this name
151ZarándboygoldHungarian0Register to vote
152ZeköboyHungarian0Register to vote
153ZerindboyserbHungarian0Register to vote
154ZétényboyHungarian1Register to vote
155Ziganagirlgypsy girlHungarian0Register to vote
156Zizigirldedicated to GodHungarian1Register to vote
157ZoárdboyHungarian0Register to vote
158ZoborboygatheringHungarian0Register to vote
159ZoltánboychieftainHungarian0Register to vote
160ZomborboybuffaloHungarian0Register to vote
161ZoránboydawnHungarian0Register to vote
162ZsaZsagirlrose, lilyHungarian0Register to vote
163Zsigmondboyvictorious defenderHungarian0Register to vote
164Zsoltboyname of an honorHungarian0Register to vote
164 names total
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