Boy Names : G

Baby Name Finder

  Name Gender Description Origin Votes Vote for this name
151Gunnerboybattle strongSwedish5Register to vote
152Guntherboybattle-army, warriorScandinavian0Register to vote
153Guntherboybattle-army, warriorScandinavian1Register to vote
154GurkanboyTurkish0Register to vote
155Gusboygreat; nickname for August, Augustus, AugustineLatin0Register to vote
156GuseboyGerman0Register to vote
157Gustavoboystaff of the godsItalian0Register to vote
158Gustavusboyson of GothsTeutonic1Register to vote
159Gustoboyvigorous enjoymentItalian0Register to vote
160Guthrieboywar serpentCeltic, Gaelic0Register to vote
161Guyboyguide; wood or wideFrench1Register to vote
162GyroboyGreek0Register to vote
163Gyulaboyname of a honorHungarian0Register to vote
4885 names total
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